If you are reading this, most likely you are one of those fans, who would like to thank me for my hard work with more than just views, likes or comments. Here are some ways you can support me in what I do and help me keep going and ultimately reaching my goal.


If you like the idea of treating yourself with a new game and by doing that sending few pennies my way, you can widen your video game or book collection and help me as well. For each purchase you make via my affiliate link, I will get a little tip.

And don’t worry, this affiliation does not bind me to talk nicely about games I play or books I read. Therefore it won’t affect my reviews in any shape or form.

green-man-gaming-official-partnerGREEN MAN GAMING

Buy games 5-20% cheaper than on Steam. Best thing about GMG is, that they buy all their keys from official developers or publishers of those games, so you can rest assured your money will reach the authors and people who worked hard on those products. You are not filling up pockets of thieves, who snatched retail and promo codes and are making a living out of it, like certain other sites.


Whether you have a spare code or would like me to stream and review certain game, I won’t say NO to a little gift. Here is my Steam profile so you can have a look what is available.


Last but not least – you can support me directly via PayPal. Originally it was created for YoloQ Podcast and then I found out it is impossible to change the URL name, so don’t be scared. It’s still me 🙂


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