Short overview of what to expect on this blog and from gaming industry in the upcoming year of 2019. I’ll try to be quick, promise 😛


First of all I do apologise for the lack of content over the Christmas and New Year period. My parents are visiting for 2 weeks and I did not have enough time to prepare some articles beforehand, for which I am truly sorry. As soon as the visit is over, I’ll be back in full force, exposing and condemning gaming heretics left and right.


For next year I am planning on purchasing my own domain and paid WordPress plan, so I can start indexing this blog in search engines and get rid of WordPress adverts. I will try to establish continuous publishing schedule as well, starting with 2 posts a week. For your regular dose of warnings and (hopefully) money-saving reviews. Speaking of reviews – it will be a mixed bag.

Since I am not filthy rich (yet), don’t have time to play games all day and I am not known enough to get my free press release game keys, I will have to make some compromises. I will focus on indie games and free to play games, with some exceptions. Like Outer Worlds and Cyberpunk 2077. I am definitely buying these, even if I have to live off plain bread and water for the rest of the month. With AAA games being utter garbage recently, this decision was not really hard to make and at least I can focus on my gaming backlog consisting of around 500 games out of which I played and finished maybe 40 so far.

As for book reviews – I will review anything I read next year. Even old books. Because new generations of readers (or audio-book listeners) should know the “good old books”. And books – unlike video games – doesn’t age badly. Truly good book is great today as it was “back in the day”. Because the message doesn’t change. There is no graphics or game play to be outdated. Or terrible controls. Just the text and the emotions or thoughts it provokes.

Next year, I am hoping to gain solid reader-base, getting better at writing and establishing regular posting schedule. I hope to engage in conversation with you through comments, and together we can start making the much needed change in gaming industry. Girl has to have dreams, amirite…?


Contradictory to the popular belief – I am looking forward to the new year. It will be a laugh. I genuinely wonder how deep some of the industry’s giants will sink, who will get their wits about them and gets back on track and what new companies will rise, to fill the gap.

Bethesda seems to be completely lost and keeps pissing off remainders of their fanbase on a weekly basis, Blizzard sounds like they are at the point of falling apart, EA is still EA,  and Epic Games may be biting more than they can chew. Ah, did I forget to mention that nobody plays Artifact – VALVE’s own CCG – that is not free to play? L.O.L.

Personally, I am looking forward to play Outer Worlds and Cyberpunk 2077. As I mentioned before, I will focus on free to play and indie games, as they seems to be the last bastion of real gaming experience in this day and age. And there are still plenty of great studios to follow, like CD Projekt Red, Digital Extremes, Fat Shark or Grinding Gear Games, to name just a few.

I believe that 2018 was the rock bottom of garbage gaming, and we can only go up from here. Don’t get me wrong – plenty of crap will happen next year – but I believe that it will be worth the wait, and we will get few gems worth of our time and money.

Thank you for reading this article, thank you for visiting my blog in 2018 and feel free to share your thoughts about next year in the comment section below. I would like to see if you share my optimism or lost all the hope already.

Until then, The Emperor Protects!

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